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Sweet Futures Brokers

Avery Putter and the Sweet Futures Execution Team

Wheat field

Sweet Futures has execution desks in New York and Chicago. Our experienced and professional team offers a full service brokering desk for commodity futures and options. With the introduction of technology customer service in our industry is a lost art. At Sweet Futures we seek to understand the needs of our clients and add value to them. We achieve our goals by providing the solutions to their needs backed by exceptional customer service. At Sweet Futures, the customer comes first with services that are tailored to the clients’ specific trading needs.

Avery Putter would like to introduce the brokers at Sweet Futures; who offer execution for livestock and soft commodity futures & option markets. There are many great benefits our execution desk can offer. I am confident our brokers who covers these markets can add value to your business. I welcome you to experience our innovative and cutting – edge approach of brokering these products. Our experience and approach to execution in these markets will offer  a number of excellent benefits and features. <Read More

Avery Putter  Sr. Options Broker & Branch Manager | NY

Avery began his career in 1992 on the exchange floor of New York Board of Trade. In 2001 he started his own floor operation, providing execution services in sugar, coffee, cotton and cocoa futures and options. With the transformation of execution from the floor to electronic trading in 2008; Avery expanded his expertise to broking natural gas OTC options. He quickly realized that these principles could be expanded to include sugar, coffee, cotton and cocoa options. In 2010 Avery was instrumental in working with the ICE exchange to allow pre-negotiated option trades to be electronically crossed. He was the first floor broker to pre-negotiate option trades from the ICE trading floor.

Avery  provides exceptional liquidity and price discovery to institutional clients, banks, fund to funds and hedge funds. In 2013 Avery joined Sweet Futures and ventured into brokering livestock options off the floor. Sweet Futures was the first to offer a hybrid execution service in these markets. Avery’s  knowledge about the markets and the execution business, makes him a valuable key member to our organization.

P. 1-201-706-7189 | C. 917-903-7575 |

Frank Rubano Senior Options Broker | NY

Frank Rubano began his career as a runner on the exchange floor of New York Board of Trade in 2006. Frank was a natural in the business and in 2007 became head of Gentile Commodities floor operations. Gentile Commodities was a full service floor operation offering execution in Coffee, Sugar, Cocoa, Orange Juice and Cotton futures and options. In 2008 Frank became a member of the exchange and executed orders in the pit as needed. After the floor went electronic Frank used his knowledge and expertise and started brokering options off the floor. In 2013 Frank joined the Sweet Futures team and works with Avery Putter in the New Jersey Branch office. Frank holds a series 3 license.

P. 1-201-706-8197 | C. 646-372-8732 |

Paul Gauger Account Executive, Manager of Sweet Futures Execution Desk Chicago

Paul Gauger spent 18 years of his career with Rosenthal Collins Group. He has many years of CME and CBOT floor experience ranging from: trading in the tumultuous S&P 500 pit to fast moving execution desks on the trading floors. Paul has successfully worked with many types of clients. Over the last 5 years Paul has managed the busy Sweet Futures Execution Desk. Paul is also an NFA registered account executive with Sweet Futures. He attended the University of Northern Iowa.

P. 1-312-216-5716 | Fax. 1-312-873-4558 |